Petr Jasinčuk
I play and teach the ancient spiritual and musical instrument called the
Jaw Harp.

If you're on my site, it's no coincidence. The Jaw Harp, that ancient mystical and magical instrument, has drawn you in. :-)
This is my personal website, where you can find out who is a Brumlista, what services I offer in connection with playing the Jaw Harp and also here you will find a lot of photos and videos from my life as a Brumlista. If you would like more information about the instrument itself, feel free to visit brumle.cz. Want to know more about me and my projects? Continue on this site.
What I offer
The Jaw Harp is an instrument with a tremendous history. When I was looking for something to learn to play that would benefit me and my surroundings, the Jaw Harp was the obvious choice. For more information about the Jaw Harp, visit my other website brumle.cz.
My goal is to get the Jaw Harp out to as many people as possible through concerts, themed events such as meditations, and other spiritual gatherings.
If you are interested in the Jaw Harp, I can also teach you how to play it.

The Jaw Harp at concerts
The humming game always attracts attention in a good way. Do you want to make your event, celebration or festival special? I'm happy to come to you to play.Playing the Jaw Harp always attracts attention in a good way. Do you want to spice up your event, celebration or festival? I will be happy to come and play for you.

Meditation with the Jaw Harp and drum
The Jaw Harp is inspired by shamanic rituals. The connection with meditation and playing the shamanic drum is therefore clear. Experience something you have never experienced before!

The Jaw Harp workshops
The community around the Jaw Harp is growing. There are many advantages to playing it. I can clearly explain the basics or more complex techniques to more advanced players.

Lectures and programs for schools
Because I know a lot about Jaw Harps, I like to pass on my knowledge to others. Most often I organize programs in schools..

The Jaw Harp for your project
Are you a musician and do you want a unique element for your project in the form of a professional Jaw Harp player?
Order I will cooperate with you!

Buy the Jaw Harp
You can find quite a few Jaw Harps on the market nowadays. How to choose the right one for you? Get in touch, I'll be happy to help!
What makes the Jaw Harp and playing on it unique?
The Jaw Harp is a truly original and unique instrument. It is small and you can keep it with you all the time. You can learn the basics in a few minutes!
Working with breath
Playing the Jaw Harp promotes conscious breathing, which can then be used in meditation and exercise. It also improves concentration.
History shows that the Jaw Harp had and has a great overlap in the spiritual world. Experience the indescribable in meditation with the Jaw Harp and drum.